Friday, January 10, 2014

Food for Thought

The Human Rights Abusers The actions of Cambodian authority over the past few weeks should make a number of foreign embassies in Phnom Penh, especially those which advocate the practice of democracy and respect for human rights, stir if not violently jump to action. But their silence and indifferent attitude toward the blatant abuses of human rights in Cambodia in recent days certainly make the situation go from bad to worst. This is a clear case for condemnation to be issued by foreign embassies which advocate the respect for human rights. But their collective silence makes the situation even more troublesome. Politics aside, the problem of human rights abuse is not so much that there are too many human rights abusers on this planet, but it is rather too many people, who could forcefully speak against human rights violation, choose to remain silence. Enough tirade against this indifferent attitude. Let's look at the crux of the issues surrounding the abuses of human rights in Cambodia. By now, everyone knows that the Cambodian authority has used a deadly forces to put down domonstration over wage issues by garment factories workers. The result was 5 people died and more than 30 injured. On top of that, 23 people were arrested and imprisoned in a remote place called Tropeang Plong located near the border of Vietnam. Based on reports from news organization and human rights advocate groups which gained access to visit with the prisoners, the arrestees were treated worse than prisoners of war. The injured arrestees were not treated while they were in custody, which was a violation of every human right-related covenant Cambodia is a party to. On top of it, the Cambodian authority appears intentionally mistreated the arrestees by physically and mentally isolating them from their relatives and the society at large. Very often, one would hear the Cambodian government claim of applying the laws faithfully to maintain public security and social order. Those who break the laws must be punished according to the laws. On this matter, every Cambodian should ask this simple question: Is there any law in the constitution or any other law books existed in Cambodia that allows imprisonment of arrestees hundred of miles outside of the jurisdiction in which they were arrested? If the answer is NONE, then, the Cambodian government, namely the people, who created and run it, have clearly broken the law. Shouldn't they be punished for breaking the law?

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ប្តូរតួនាទី (Role Reversal) សព្វថ្ងៃ ខ្ញុំរស់ពឹងលើកម្លាំងញើសរបស់ភរិយាស្ទើរតែទាំងស្រុង ។ ក្រៅតែអំពីមនុស្សជិតដិតពីរបីនាក់ គ្មាននរណាដឹងថាខ្ញុ...