Thursday, January 17, 2019
Food for Thought
Mediocre President
When I was studying American Government in college, one particular term that stuck out in my mind was "Mediocre Presidents". Our professor told the class that those presidents were not only incompetent of accomplishing anything of note, even their names were difficult to pronounce and remember.
After two years in office, President Donald Trump appears to be clearly heading to join the Mediocre Club. He has already broken the record of having the longest Federal Government shutdown. Whether he knows it or not, most of the people who hurt the most as a consequence of government shutdown are employees of the executive branch, the section in which he oversees. On top of that, the US economic growth is also impacted by the shutdown. Money is lost by the millions each day. All of these are for the sake of building a wall along the US-Mexico border, which President Trump, in his wildest dream, thought that it would keep criminals from coming into the US.
The Founding Fathers of the United States had thought and debated for years about how the US government is run. They created a check and balance mechanism to prevent tyrant, the like of Mr. Trump, from imposing his will on the nation. So, for Donald Trump to think that he could bully his way to get the money to build the wall in the annual national budget is quite ludicrous. He had tried it for two years already. It had not succeeded then, and it definitely won't succeed, now. The fact that the people voted to put the opposition in control of the House of Representatives should tell him something about which way to go regarding the wall. Stop dreaming about it!
I hope history will be lenient in judging Mr. Trump's performance as a US President. But, from what he has accomplished so far, I doubt it that he could even make it to the Mediocre Club. Most Stupid is probably the grade he will achieves when leaving office.
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